Archive for May, 2009

Modern schooling: factories for producing worker bees

School kidsWatching and participating in my children’s education is a fascinating experience. What stands out more than anything else is the level of homework they are required to do on a regular basis and the amount of discipline required in avoiding penalties.

In the minds of a nine and seven year old children, ‘discipline’, however, equals ‘restrict creativity’ and ‘control your excitement’. So it got me thinking: why does the British education system curtail children’s creativity, enthusiasm and their desire to be happy? Here’s what I discovered.

Although education systems have been around since ancient times  as communities desired to pass on their own values, culture, religion and skills to the next generation. During the Early Middle Ages, the monasteries of the Catholic Church were the providers of education.

Women’s education in Europe was severely restricted until the nineteenth century. The education system in England has been reformed many times, including the introduction of the current national curriculum by the New Labour government. 

However, the modern education as it stands across the world is controversial, to say the least. It’s based on the Prussian education system  and is the foundation of modern education across the world. The Prussian system instituted compulsory attendance, specific training for teachers, national testing for all students (used to classify children for potential job training), national curriculum set for each grade, and mandatory kindergarten.

Seeking to replace the controlling functions of the local aristocracy, the Prussian court attempted to instill social obedience in the citizens through Bismarckindoctrination. Every individual had to become convinced, in the core of his being, that the King was just, his decisions always right, and the need for obedience paramount.

The schools imposed an official language to the prejudice of ethnic groups living in Prussia. The purpose of the system was to instill loyalty to the Crown and to train young men for the military and the bureaucracy.

The Prussian education system now proliferate the entire global education system. When one gets to grips with these origins, the real truth and intentions behind those controlling the education systems begin to unfold.

The German philosopher, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, a key influence on the system, summaries the intention of the Prussian education system very aptly:

“The schools must fashion the person, and fashion him in such a way that he simply cannot will otherwise than what you wish him to will.”

Our current education system, no matter where we are in the world, has been designed to create worker bees that have neither courage nor conviction to question anything. Creativity is stifled from a tender age and mediocrity and subservience is expected from the masses.

This mindset is expected to be carried and is carried into the workplace. Very few question the motives of manages and employers at the work place in fear of humiliation or, worse, being fired. Those that do quite often do become queen bees.

If I wish for my children to excel as human beings, then it is incumbent on me to find alternative sources of education that raises their consciousness instead of restricting it.

How about your children? What do you think they would want to be when they grow up? A worker bee or a queen bee?

Harun Rabbani

May 23, 2009 at 23:15 1 comment

The Genie in your Genes, Dawson Church PhD

Genie in Your Genes Galley Cover V2 CMYKThe Genie in Your Genes

Author Dawson Church applies the insights of the new field of Epigenetics (epi=above, i.e. control above the level of the gene) to healing. Citing hundreds of scientific studies, he shows how beliefs and emotions can trigger the expression of DNA strands. He focuses on a class of genes called Immediate Early Genes or IEGs. These genes turn on within a few seconds of a stimulus. They can be triggered by thoughts or emotions (‘I loved that unexpected gift of roses Bill gave me’ or ‘I’m so mad about what Uncle John said at the Christmas party’).

Many IEGs are regulatory genes turn on other genes that affect specific aspects of our immune system, such as the production of white blood cells that destroy attacking bacteria and viruses. Epigenetics thus influences our health every day. He coins the new term ‘Epigenetic Medicine’ to describe healing techniques with epigenetic effects. He also summarises the science behind the infant fields of Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine, both of which offer promising epigenetic medical therapies.

May 21, 2009 at 23:59 1 comment

Social media meets affiliate marketing


Just over two years ago a friend of mine arrived in the UK with nothing more than a suitcase and a credit card. He wasn’t a friend at the time, in fact he knew less than 3 people in the whole of the UK!

Today he is one of the most talked about young entrepreneurs I know of.

The reason people talk is because he built a succesful company without taking out any ads in the paper, he used no radio, no fliers and no television. In fact, he built a national business without any hard cost marketing at all.

He used two very powerful tools:
1. He pioneered some cutting edge affiliate marketing systems
2. He became an expert in Social Media (Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, Online Networking, Etc).

With these two tools he was able to scale up very quickly. What’s more, he did this before the trend really got going… as it is right now!

This year, is the year where YOUR clients are spending more time online than ever before. YOUR clients want to read about you on blogs, they want to hear about you through podcasts, they want to see your videos, they want to connect with you on Facebook and follow your Twitter.

If your not doing these things you are missing serious opportunities and you are behind the times.

If you are already doing these things then I can assure you that you could still learn some great strategies from Daniel Priestley.

I strongly suggest you attend this half day training with Daniel Priestley and get your business moving online:

May 21, 2009 at 17:25 Leave a comment

The Human Upgrade, Naomi Sesay

Human UpgradeI am truly excited to recommend The Human Upgrade: The Power to Create Your Future by someone who I have worked closely with. If you’re looking to transcend the world of the Ego and get deeply into the world of high consciousness, then this is a must-read. Naomi Sesay is a practitioner in the world of personal evolvement and has brought her her first-hand experiences in the area of consciousness to the masses through this book.

May 21, 2009 at 08:33 1 comment

The Biology of Belief, Dr Bruce Lipton

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles

Biology of BeliefThe book takes the reader on an exciting journey of discovery and revelation, challenging long-held beliefs on certain aspects of Biology and Physics, to arrive at a radically new and different explanations for how our DNA – and ultimately our very being – happen to be. Amongst the books I’ve read in recent years, I would recommend several. However, only a handful of books need be in your library collection. The Biology of Belief is one such book. Don’t just buy this book. Read it…then read it again…and again!

May 21, 2009 at 08:20 2 comments

Native American Elders Speaking on Prophecies

sitting bullSince the dawn of time, sages, healers, messengers and prophets appeared in all cultures of the world. Many of the messages have been surprisingly similar.

In this video, you’ll hear some profound wisdom from the elders of Native Americans, the indigenous people of North America. They talk about the responsibility we have. Click the links below to see the individual sections.

Part one, part two, part three, part four, part five



Harun Rabbani

May 20, 2009 at 18:10 Leave a comment

Your genes do not control your biology

Bruce LiptonThe conventional way biology is taught at schools is that your genes control your life. Since your genes have been handed down from your parents, you would be forgiven for having a mindset of victimhood.

In other words, your destiny is already laid out for you and there is nothing you can do about it. Hell, no! I, for one, refuse to fall victim to circumstance and prefer to decide my own destiny despite the conditioning I’ve received from family, culture, peer group or institutonal pressure to conform.

In this video, Dr Bruce Lipton, tells you exactly how it is. Your genes do not control your biology! That being the case, then we are left with the question ‘what does?’

Watch this video to find out more.

Harun Rabbani

May 20, 2009 at 16:28 Leave a comment

Selling your soul to the devil

“It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.” Niccolo Machiavelli

machiavelliBack in 2002/3, I was the top performer for a multinational medical devices company. However, I could never understand why my managers would try to manage me and my colleagues by using fear tactics. The biggest frustration for the managers was that those tactics didn’t work. So they tried applying even more draconian fear tactics to see if they worked.

Yes, I did work much smarter but not harder and I was also constantly insecure about losing my job. Working for such an organisation left my mind and body in a state of dis-ease. I’d taken several days off sick to recover from the emotional battering that was being given out.

Now you can imagine my relief when started to work in my own business in the middle of 2003. The immediate consequence of managing my own business was that I never needed to take time off for ill health. It was then that I understood that by running my own business I was more likely to have work practices with integrity and aligned to my core values.

Having worked with and within a number of large organisations, I’ve come to a couple of conclusions that may explain the behaviour of leadership and management. Firstly, through parental, peer group and cultural conditioning, managers understand the concept of ‘carrot-and-stick’ motivation. The idea is that people are either motivated away from ‘pain’ or motivated towards ‘pleasure’. However, as intelligent as our managers are, their actions are skewed much more towards using the ‘stick’ or fear approach. This is nothing new. Many religions have been using fear as a method of control for thousands of years.

Using ‘fear’ to motivate people is a short-sighted approach and usually proves expensive in the end. Managers have also tried the ‘carrot’ approach, too. So they may offer their high-performing staff benefits, bonuses, commissions and incentives in order to reward them. This is a much better and longer lasting approach and is much more ethical than the fear-based approach. Unfortunately, when in doubt, managers do default back to the use of fear. The results are clear for all to see. Nearly 80 million working days are lost every year due to sickness.

Given this kind of working atmosphere, is it a surprise that politicking is rife in offices across industries? The use of unethical practice and low conscious behaviour thrive in these offices where managers and workers pay lip-service to the team effort. It is more about boosting the ego and gamesmanship of who can have one up on the other. In such an environment, managers believe they have little choice but only to create teams that are composed of people who are clones of one another. Free-thinking and creativity is forbidden. Should you dare to raise your head above the parapet because you had the audacity to think outside the box, then expect to be shot down.

If you do wish to survive in the dog-eat-dog world of corporatocracy, then you may wish to read Machaivelli’s Prince,  a book about ruthless tactics on gaining absolute power and its abandonment of conventional morality. But if you wish to retain your sense of authentic Self, it may be wise to avoid getting caught up with such ambitions.

When companies are created, most start off small with good intention and a desire to make the world a better place. However, beyond a certain size, they seem to lose their raison d’être. Take a look at the fallout from companies in the energy, financial, food, pharmaceutical and many other sectors. Shockingly, some of the companies in these sectors are so powerful their influence is much greater than many nation states.

So we ask ourselves how we can improve our condition and that of the planet if one is stuck with an employer that uses low conscious motivation and unethical practice. There are many things you can do. The most important thing is to keep your own personal consciousness raised by not getting embroiled in these sorts of behaviours and attitudes.

A powerful way to ensure you retain some degree of spiritual connection to humanity is to invest 2-6 hours a week doing voluntary work with a local community project. That way, you get to keep your soul!

Ultimately, the most powerful way to retain and raise your consciousness and your integrity is to steer clear of low conscious organisations. Refuse to participate in their activities. Instead, find yourself an employer who is ethical and puts her customers first – that includes you, the internal customer.

Harun Rabbani

May 19, 2009 at 22:16 Leave a comment

Bananas have potential for becoming a source of fuel

bananasJoel Chaney, a PhD student from the department of engineering at Nottingham University, has discovered a way to create a low cost fuel from using banana waste.

For every single tonne of banana that can be eaten, there are 10 tonnes of skin, leaves and stem that goes to waste. The waste can be mixed with sawdust to create a pulp. Then the liquid is squeezed out to create a ‘briquette’. When left for two weeks to dry, you have dry slow-burning fuel that is ideal for cooking.

The emphasis of the project has been on developing a simple technology that can be used in developing countries without the need for a large financial outlay.

In some of the continent’s biggest banana-producing countries like Rwanda, Tanzania and Burundi, more than 80% of current energy needs are met from burning wood. Not only does it have an effect on deforestation, it is also a time-consuming job for women taking up to 6 hours for them to gather wood in some places.

“Imagine just putting some straw onto your fire at home,” says Chaney. It just goes up in flames. You can’t cook food over it, while the briquettes provide a way to cook food in a much better way.”

Harun Rabbani

May 13, 2009 at 20:58 Leave a comment

An entire city takes responsibility for its environmental footprint

ghent61One of Europe’s most traditional cities, Ghent in Belgium, announced it will have one veggie day every week from this week. According to the UN, livestock accounts for 20% of all greenhouse emissions. Hence, a reduction in the consumption in of meat means a significant cut in emissions.

This will make the Ghent the first city in the world to go vegetarian once a week. Approximately 90,000 veggie street maps will be created to help people find vegetarian stores and restaurants throughout the city.

Harun Rabbani

May 13, 2009 at 20:48 Leave a comment

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