Meat-Eaters Protect Yourselves!

April 11, 2012 at 12:42 Leave a comment

Over the last couple of years, I have been increasing my research into food, drinks and other foodstuffs for two particular reasons – the health of my family and for my book, Shattering the Grandest Illusions. I can tell you one thing I am certainly not deluded by: the incredible amount of poisons (a.k.a ‘toxins’ to make it easier to swallow) that are imbued within the food stuff.

My conclusions are pretty straight-forward. The vast majority of the diseases suffered by humans are directly related to the food we eat. I know. I worked in the medical devices industry specialising in endoscopy equipment for gastro-intestinal diseases. Therefore, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that we can remove the majority of the causes for diseases such as cancer by simply changing our eating habits.

So, you can imagine my horror when I read an article by ‘What Doctors Don’t Tell You’ earlier today:

“People who regularly eat chicken and other meat are unwittingly making themselves more susceptible to antibiotic-resistant ‘super bugs’.  Poultry farmers are illegally using a broad-spectrum antibiotic in animal feeds that was banned for agricultural use in 2005.”

The antibiotic that is being referred to is fluoroquinolone, which was banned because it is becoming increasingly inoccuous to a resistant superbug. For years, farmers have been knowingky using drugs to fatten up chickens, sheep and beef simply to increase profits. I remember the absolute craziness surrounding the Mad Cow’s Disease (BSE) fiasco in the 1990s. Can you believe cattle were being fed remains of other cattle in order to increase the yield? In the UK alone, 180,000 cows were infected and 4.5 million had to be slaughtered. Humans who got infected by the disease developed CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease). By 2003, 143 people had fatally been infected by CJD.

My further conclusion is that I cannot trust the meat-farming industry enough to continue eating meat. Today, I am primarily a pescetarian, which means I mainly eat vegetables and fish. Converting from a regular meat-eater to a primarily vegetarian diet was far more easier than I thought. Then again, I’m very lucky – I have Chrissy White and her Gourmet Revolution Show to help guide me! Chrissy will be interviewing a seasoned expert, Juliet Gellatley, in phasing into a vegetarian diet. Juliet is the Founder and Director of  founder and director of Viva! – Vegetarians International Voice for Animals.

  • Time: 7pm BST (British Summer Time)/11am PST/2pm EST/8pm CET
  • Date: Wednesday 11th April 2012
  • Place: On the web on
  • Price: It’s FREE!

No registration is required. Simply visit If you miss the live show, then you can hear the replay within minutes by visiting

Join The Gourmet Revolution Show and discover the astonishing truth about the meat and dairy industries. Juliet  Gellately has a vitally important and positive message that will inspire you to rethink you relationship to meat and dairy, challenging the deep seated beliefs that exist around animal based foods. Hear how she really highlights the healthy, guilt free options available to us all. When you are ready for change, want to supercharge your health and just don’t know what to do….start here!

As a final note, personally I do not believe everybody should become a complete vegetarian. That is certainly a personal choice. However, I strongly believe everybody has the right to know what external additives and toxins go into their food before making a decision to eat. As there is less chance of contaminating vegetables (with the exception of herbicides, pesticidesa and GMO!!!), I opt for that option for my family and I.

Love and gratitude,

Harun Rabbani

Founder, UnTangled FM


Juliet Gellatley is the founder and director of Viva! – Vegetarians International Voice for Animals – a campaigning group based in Bristol, UK. We have a sister group, Viva! Poland (also founded by Juliet) in Poland –

Juliet originated National Vegetarian Week (when working for the Vegetarian Society as campaigns director in the 1980s and 90s) with the support of Linda McCartney and her campaign SCREAM!! took the truth about factory farming into the nation’s schools for the first time. The result was a network of youth campaigners across Britain which dramatically increased vegetarianism amongst young people.

 By working closely with education authorities, her CHOICE! campaign increased the number of schools offering healthy vegetarian main meals from 13 per cent to 65 per cent. She launched and edited the first veggie youth mag in the UK, Greenscene.  After her adult campaign Feeding You the Facts, a survey revealed that vegetarianism in Britain had doubled in one year.  She left the Society as director in 1994 to found Viva!.

Viva! is a vegetarian and vegan organisation which campaigns energetically to end the abuse of animals killed for food.  It is motivated by passion and backed by science. Juliet also founded and directs the UK national charity, the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation, which launched in 2002 and concentrates on campaigning on health and nutrition. All groups are funded by public donations.

Entry filed under: Future of Humanity, Personal Evolvement, The Gourmet Revolution Show, UnTangled FM Online Radio. Tags: , , , , , , , , , .

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