The Lost Art of Critical Thinking

Human beings have one very important distinguishing factor from that of other mammals. We have the ability to make choices…consciously. Sure, animals make choices, too. However, their choices are based on pre-determined programmes that they are born with, which are then influenced by the environment they live in.

Humans also have the ability to make choices either through conditioning and programming or through a conscious process of critical thinking. The final decision is made with the heart, but for true staying power, that decision is made with the intuition. Unfortunately, I will go as far to say that over 97% of people’s thinking is based on predetermined patterns and programmes. Therefore, when a person thinks they are thinking consciously, they are, in reality, going through a pattern of thought based on their programming.

Critical thinking involves asking great quality questions that require some pondering and involves the use of all faculties beyond the five senses. For example, when looking at the vast volume of money (in the billions of dollars) spent on cancer research every year, one would imagine that cures, beyond chemotherapy and radiotherapy, would have been found for major cancers by now. Not so. Western medicine has an almost entire focus on fighting the symptoms than treating the causes.

A person who was utilising critical thinking would perhaps figure out that the pharmaceutical corporation whose sole purpose is to grow shareholder’s profits has no interest in eliminating a phenomenal cash-cow like cancer. It will also be obvious why politicians blatantly support and are supported by the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, a critical thinker would firstly investigate further into alternative routes to dealing with cancer as well as bring to account those who betray the trust of the public in order to protect the interests of corporations, i.e. politicians.

In the meantime, here is a short clip that you may find interesting on one ancient science that may begin to start shedding light on dealing with cancer…

For people interested in finding out much more on the work done by Marcus Freudenmann through his DVD documentary, Cancer is Curable Now, please check out the video by clicking this link: Cancer is Curable Now Trailer!

I leave you with this. The human race is going through a massive awakening in this period of our history. The awakening process is not optional nor is it difficult. Those who choose to take ownership of their right to use critical thinking, i.e. truly think and feel for themselves, will enjoy a smoother journey than most. I hope you are one such person.

Love and gratitude

Harun Rabbani

April 7, 2012 at 23:55 2 comments

UnTangled FM Internet Radio

Great news! Despite the technical challenges just over two weeks ago, my new radio station, UnTangled FM launched successfully on March 19th. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous during the launch week. Those nerves were put to rest after hearing the wonderful quality of guests and presenting that my colleagues have gifted us all with.

I hope many more people get an opportunity to listen to one of the many wonderful shows on UnTangled FM. These include:

  1. The Consciousness Revolution Show – interviews with global frontiers of science and consciousness
  2. The Essence is all about the feminine spirit in a changing world
  3. The Sara Ellis Show is for people who want better sex and relationships
  4. The Gourmet Revolution is about healthy eating and living
  5. The Health & Happiness Show is for people who want to create better physical and emotional health
  6. Divine Conversations investigates the role of different faiths in modern society
  7. Dr Phyllis’ Social Enterprise Hour is for people who want to create a business that also makes a massive difference to other people and the planet
  8. The Money Maverick investigates how real wealth is created.

There is no registration. Just jump to our webpage – You can also follow us on our fan page on Facebook and Twitter to keep abreast of shows and other developments.

Have an amazing time!

Harun Rabbani

Visionary and Founder, UnTangled FM

March 31, 2012 at 01:02 Leave a comment

Human Rights & Micro-Finance

It’s quite amazing that one of the greatest human rights inequalities that most people don’t consider as a violation of human rights is abject poverty. Creating a world where there is true human rights, justice and peace requires taking real action at the grass roots levels. During Divine Conversations, radio host, Alison Levesley interviews Professor Julia Hausserman about her work with Rights and Humanity, a charity supported by patrons, HH Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Dadi Janki and several other internationally renowned leaders. During this interview, Professor Hausserman shares how she has successfully led her organisation through the path of peace ‘development’.

This interview was followed by Dr Phyllis’ Social Enterprise Hour and her guest, Tom Sanderson, CEO of Five Talents Micro-Finance. Tom explains exactly how micro-finance is critical in lifting people into a state of self-sustenance. Given the financial mess that the global banks and governments have created, perhaps micro-financing could be the answer to lifting people out of financial crises in the Western world. You can listen to the replays of both interviews on


Harun Rabbani

Founder, UnTangled FM

March 22, 2012 at 20:49 Leave a comment

Happiness & Vibrancy

When one of our new hosts, Edwina Griffin, on our new radio station, UnTangled FM, told me about the guests she has lined up in the forthcoming weeks, I was impressed. In fact, every single host has some phenomenal people they’ll be interviewed. A couple of nights ago, it was 3.30am and I was having trouble sleeping. So, I began to listen to one of Deepak Chopra’s classic audio CDs, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind to distract me. As I was listening he was referring to a brilliant experiment where a Harvard University professor experiments on the power of the human mind with very old people. By the end of the few weeks of the experiment, quite literally every participant in the experiment looked as if they lost twenty years. This was measured in through their biochemistry, heart rate, finger nail lengths, etc. I just thought this was genius and ever since then, I wanted to get this message out to the world that humans have the capability of stopping and even reversing the effect of time on our physical bodies.

Here’s the clincher. Nobody knew about this desire of mine. Guess what Edwina does? Her very first interview guest on The Health and Happiness Show is…Professor Ellen Langer, the Harvard University professor who carried out the experiment on the very old people! How’s that for synchrnocity?!!! Edwina will be interviewing the good professor tonight at 9pm GMT on UnTangled FM, which is 8am in Sydney (where Edwina is based). I encourage you to listen in to this live show. Here is the link to listen to the show live:

Earlier on in the evening, Chrissy White of The Gourmet Revolution will be interviewing Juliet Gellatley who will be talking about her campaign on vegetarianism and stopping cruelty to animals. They will be on on UnTangled FM at 7pm GMT. Juliet Gellatley is the founder and director of Viva! – Vegetarians International Voice for Animals – a campaigning group based in Bristol, UK. Juliet originated National Vegetarian Week (when working for the Vegetarian Society as campaigns director in the 1980s and 90s) with the support of Linda McCartney and her campaign SCREAM!! took the truth about factory farming into the nation’s schools for the first time. The result was a network of youth campaigners across Britain which dramatically increased vegetarianism amongst young people. By working closely with education authorities, her CHOICE! campaign increased the number of schools offering healthy vegetarian main meals from 13 per cent to 65 per cent. She launched and edited the first veggie youth mag in the UK, Greenscene.  After her adult campaign Feeding You the Facts, a survey revealed that vegetarianism in Britain had doubled in one year.  She left the Society as director in 1994 to found Viva!

Click here for listening to the live show:

I hope you can join in this early stage of UnTangled FM.

Love and gratitude,

Harun Rabbani

Founder, UnTangled FM

March 21, 2012 at 16:56 Leave a comment

The Fight for Africa

In December 2008, I had the opportunity to visit a part of Africa with a team of people for a school-building project in Sierra Leone. At that time, Sierra Leone was the 179th out of 179 in the United Nation’s Human Development Index. (Since then, they have added more countries to their list.) In other words, Sierra Leone had the worst levels of poverty, life expectancy, infant mortality, etc. Given its many natural resources, technically it should be the richest country in Africa. During my two weeks stay there, I noticed the proliferation of Chinese and Arab businesses that were running operations and hiring local people. It seemed like, where the West has failed Africa and treated it like a charity case, the Arabs and the Chinese were finding ways to exploit the resources that seemed to be mutually beneficial to the locals and to the foreign businesses.

As an economist, I realised how interesting it was that the Chinese were expanding their wings relatively unnoticed whilst benefiting millions of Africans. Without a shadow of doubt, handing out food and money weakens people’s ability to create their own fortune. (Dealing with a humanitarian crisis such as famine is a different matter.) On the other hand, giving people the opportunity to create their own wealth (not just money), leaves people with better choices and, consequently, more empowered. Therefore, it cannot be argued that enterprise is far more productive and supportive to Africans than charity.

However, I wondered how would the rest of the West, especially the US empire, deal with the rapid expansion of the new super-power in waiting, China. The Cold War that involved the West and the Soviet Bloc pointing nuclear weapons at each other, like two five-year old boys playing cowboys and Indians, was a disastrous failure. Nonetheless, I couldn’t see how the US will sit back and allow China to grow in stature. As the self-appointed international police force, the US needs something to police. To create law and order, they need to chaos and disorder. Africa, having been continually torn apart by civil war (funded by the developed countries), famine, disease and serious communications and technological infrastructure, is the perfect place for the US-led police force to create a base.

On the 5th March, one of the most powerful viral videos in YouTube’s history was uploaded by a charity known as Invisible Children who work with children in Uganda. The objective of the 30-minute video was to highlight the plight of children particularly in Uganda who have been abducted to work as prostitutes and child soldiers. Within one week, the video had been viewed by 76 million times.

The story that unfolds in the video makes for chilling viewing and certainly pulls on viewers emotional hot-buttons. So, is it a surprise that so many people are backing their cause. However, it’s time to back up. In essence, the film-makers are asking for the US government to send in troops to hunt down Joseph Kony, the rebel leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army, for his crimes relating to child abduction. Kony certainly needs to be brought to justice without a doubt. However, given the massacres caused by the Ugandan President, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, why is the latter hailed as a new breed of African leader? He is praised for his compliance with the IMF Structural Adjustment. Museveni has now been the longest-standing leader in Africa and is associated with many humanitarian violations. Why isn’t he being questioned for his crimes?

On the face of it, Kony 2012 looks like a good cause. Heck, even I posted it on Facebook when I first watched the video. However, the reality is that it is a totally and utterly massive smokescreen to smooth the way for US forces to enter more African territories on false pretences. Don’t believe me, remember the WMD that was alleged to be in Iraq before the US and British led invasion? How about the lies and deception about 9/11 so that forces can get into Afghanistan? This has led to thousands of young men dying in the name of their country, including six British troops last week. Of course, it makes the mind wonder what colonialists think will happen if innocent children and civilians are massacred as happened on Sunday 11th March 2012 in the Kandahar province. Here’s a video that may help to raise more questions about the idea of more American troops stepping onto foreign soils:

Was is big business. Let me emphasise the point – it is a ‘business’. Those who gain are the Military-Industrial Complex, including the banking sector. Civilians who die in the process are nothing more than fodder or euphemistically called ‘collateral damage’. It is time people began to mature emotionally so that they can stand back and look at the reality of the situation by observing the whole picture and not just one that has been financed by Hollywood (and now by millions of generous donors across the planet). War has NEVER been the solution to conflict. The only people war serves are those who have a financial interest one way or the other. I do not have enough of my questions answered to conclusively state if the charity, Invisible Children, have a genuine interest in the plight of children. But I certainly know that for them to ask for the support of foreign military on African soil is either incredibly naive or incredibly deceitful. In the end, just like how it was concluded that WMD were not in Iraq, the truth about Kony 2012 will reveal itself.

The fight to save Africa is nothing but a stand-off between China and the USA. China has its terrible human rights records, whilst the US has its empire-building agenda at the forefront of its mind. In the end, African men, women and children seem to be a convenient excuse for both empires to use for their own selfish gains. They also are fully aware that the greatest economical and technological development gains in the coming decades will arise from Africa. Therefore, they will use and have been using any means necessary to economically invade Africa. The Arab Springs was a prelude to what is to come. All I can wish for is that the public to realise the geopolitical games being played out by the illusionists. No amount of oil, diamond, gold or land can ever replace the life of a single person. It is time to wake up to that reality.

Love and gratitude,

Harun Rabbani

Author of Shattering the Grandest Illusions

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter 

© 2012. Harun Rabbani. The author gives full permission for the printing and publication of this article on condition that full credit is given to the author, including the website

March 13, 2012 at 15:07 Leave a comment

How Women Hold the Real Answers to the World’s Crises

The current condition of the planet is, at the very least, dire. At worse, some may argue that the human race are at the brink of destruction. None of this happened overnight. The world economic crisis was already on the cards long before the financial collapse of 2008. Countries like Greece are being slaughtered by the corporations via their paid servants, politicians and mass media. The consequences are massive levels of poverty, unemployment and disenfranchisement.

After 4,000 years of male dominated society, it is all too clear that patriarchal rule is a failed experiment. I am not suggesting that matriarchy has all the answers either. Nonetheless, there is much that can be learnt from both ancient history where matriarchy was predominant as well as from Nature. Nature, follows universal principles that lead to Natural Law. For the past 4,000 years, human society has been striving to move away from nature in order to build community. This process was called ‘civilisation’. There is a reciprocal correlation between civilisation and nature. The more that society became civilised, the further removed it was from nature.

Image courtesy of Clare Dakin of

In the classical languages such as Latin, Greek, Arabic and even French, the words ‘Cosmos’ ‘Nature’ and ‘Earth’ are given the feminine gender and often referred to as  ‘Mother Cosmos’, ‘Mother Nature’ and ‘Mother Earth’. And, for good reason. Mother Cosmos gave birth to all that is manifest in the Cosmos. Mother Nature gave birth to Natural Law. Mother Earth gives birth to all provisions  (with the notable exception of light from the Sun) required by humans and other sentient beings to live. The Mothers nourish, nurture and give the vital ingredients for the growth of their children. After a certain time of undergoing this process of creativity within the womb of the Mothers, birth takes place. This process is known by Taoists as the ‘Yin’ process.

The yin represents the feminine energy, whilst the yang represents the masculine. The yin is symbolic of the unseen process of creativity. The yang symbolises the manifestator and the manifestation, i.e.  Creator and the Creation. Whilst the yang is what is seen, it only represents a very tiny fraction of the balance between itself and the yin. For example, in the process of human procreation, a man may have sex and impregnate a woman in matter of minutes or even seconds. This represents the yang element. The zygote, which then becomes an embryo is nourished, nurtured and receives life force comes through its mother over a duration of 40 weeks. This period of time is the yin period and it becomes the yang at childbirth.

The role played during this time by the masculine is minimal. After birth, the mother continues the process of feeding, nourishing and nurturing the child. She collaborates with the father to raise the child for a certain period of time. In Nature, the father becomes a protector of the mother and child as well as the provider of food, water and shelter to the nursing mother.

The principles of nurturing, protection and collaboration are imbued in the cells and the genetic coding of women. Competition is more prevalent in men and is as a by-product of them moving away from their own nature. Society has been falsely manipulated into believing that permanent competition is a good thing and that survival of the fittest will decide on who deserves to have it all. After all, winner takes it all, right? Wrong. According to the work of eminent evolution biologist, Dr Elisabet Sahtouris, competition is present in nature at the earliest stages of its development. For example, think of how lion cubs play fight. However, as the species matures, it becomes much more collaborative and co-operative. In order to maintain survival of the lion pride, for example, the lionesses will often hunt in packs to have a joint feast. Unlike the human species, it will kill according to how much they need to eat.

In order to rebuild a society that is co-operative and collaborative and seeks to nurture all, we need consider many options. However, there needs to be a total paradigm shift from patriarchal, survival of the fittest mentality as a starting point. Women who are already in places of power need to consider the incredible gift they have within and how they can tap into such innate abilities to begin the transformation process. Women like Lisa Clapier of the Occupy Wall Street Movement have demonstrated that the point of protesting is not about ‘Us against Them’, but the corporation between all humans in a joint purpose of growth and evolution. Women like Mother Teresa created teams of women whose service was to a higher purpose than the profit-motive. The results of her work speak for themselves.

I am a man. I do not have all the answers, but I do know where the majority of the answers to our greatest questions will come from. It is from women. This article is not a case against men. It is a case for a re-evaluation and redressing the power wielded and given by the two genders of the same species. Should humanity continue its route to control, manipulation, deceit and greed, an ultimate disaster will not be such a remote possibility. Should humanity shake itself up and wake itself up, then perhaps it will be given an opportunity to move away from survival alone in order to thrive and flourish. Will we really allow ourselves to forget that without the Mothers, we cannot exist?

Love and gratitude,

Harun Rabbani

Author of Shattering the Grandest Illusions

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter 

© 2012. Harun Rabbani. The author gives full permission for the printing and publication of this article on condition that full credit is given to the author, including the website

February 17, 2012 at 17:04 2 comments

How to Eliminate the Barriers to Love & How to Build Fulfilling Relationships

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”


On February 14th every year, millions of people celebrate Valentine’s Day. Regardless of its historical foundation, it cannot be argued that a huge number of people share in amorous love on that date every year. For example, fifteen million Valentine’s e-cards were sent in 2010 alone, which indicates a just the tip of the iceberg of a multi-billion pound industry.

Consumerism aside, what does this mean in reality? In my mind, this is an indication that the majority of people want to love and want to be loved. Yet, the levels of relationship breakdown and the decimation of the institution of marriage has never been higher than today. Join me during today’s Consciousness Revolution Show when I will be interviewing a professional therapist, Sara Ellis, about this very important matter. During the show, you will hear about:

  • What are the repercussions of relationship breakdown?
  • What are the causes of unfulfilling relationships and the breakdown that ensues?
  • Why people are binging on foods, such as chocolate, to avoid what they really want – sex!
  • How to eliminate the barriers to love?
  • How the simple tool of self-hypnosis can be a powerful aid in reclaiming love?

There will be these questions and many more that I will be putting to Sara Ellis during her live interview on The Consciousness Revolution Show. Join us…

  • Time: 8pm GMT (12pm PST, 3pm EST, 9pm CET, 12.30am IST)
  • Place: Online
  • Price: FREE
  • How to register: Get your FREE subscription to Nu Rah News and listen to The Consciousness Revolution Show

See you there!

Harun Rabbani

Host, The Consciousness Revolution Show and Author of Shattering the Grandest Illusions

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter

Sara is a professionally qualified hypnotherapist and is a graduate of the National Centre for Eating Disorders being one of its most successful practitioners. She has studied with some of the leading experts in the field of hypnosis – Tom Silver and Paul McKenna – and is certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy, one of the largest governing bodies in the world. Sara has worked with many hundreds of people since 2001 to deal with many mental and physical health challenges that have prevented them from developing.

Sara Ellis is based at the Orassy Kendron and also works at the world famous London’s Harley Street with clients varying from busy professionals, entrepreneurs, housewives to young children. Sara has been featured in a number of prominent national media such as the Daily Mail. Sara is available for consultation at the Orassy Kendron on 020 7517 9521 or by email on

© 2012. Harun Rabbani. The author gives full permission for the printing and publication of this article on condition that full credit is given to the author, including the website

February 15, 2012 at 14:17 Leave a comment

Is Telepathy Real?

If you are a cat-owner or a dog-owner, have you ever had these following experiences? You’ve booked an appointment for your cat with the vet, but when it came to the scheduled appointment, the cat is nowhere to be found. Dog-owners will be familiar with this one. No matter what time of day or by what method you come back home, you find your dog either waiting at the door or watching through the window.

There is more to this than meets the eye. It is called telepathy. This is a normal phenomenon in the animal kingdom where communication takes place on an everyday basis even though it has not been explained by science. That’s not strictly true. A global frontier of science, Dr Rupert Sheldrake, has been researching and proving his theory of ‘morphogenic fields‘. Telepathy is one of the phenomenon he explains through this theory. However, can humans have telepathic communication?

Consider this. The mobile phone is probably the most used technological device in the world. Have you ever had someone call you on the phone and, moments before they called, you were thinking of them? Is this mere coincidence and are we being deluded or is it a reality? If telepathy is a reality, then how will that change the way humans think and behave? Would people be more transparent, honest and integral? These are questions to which, I believe, the answers will begin to reveal itself over the duration of the next 12-18 months whether we choose to believe in telepathy or not.

In the meantime, take some time to watch this fascinating talk followed by some great questions by Dr Sheldrake.

Love and gratitude,

Harun Rabbani

Author, Shattering the Grandest Illusions

© 2012. Harun Rabbani. The author gives full permission for the printing and publication of this article on condition that full credit is given to the author, including the website

February 14, 2012 at 12:07 Leave a comment

Life is a Synchrony

Last night, I had the enormous pleasure of attending my friend Tamar’s birthday dinner. It was a small bijoux affair. One of the guests at the dinner was a lady I long admired, Marie Diamond, but had no idea would be attending the dinner. Many people will know Marie as one of the experts on The Secret. She was the one that I resonated with the most. She is also the one that makes most sense to me.


Let me explain how. When people approach their self-development they take one of three approaches:

  1. They turn to religion to connect with a higher source
  2. They work on developing their mind and body (personal development), or
  3. They work on improving their home, workplace and other aspects of their environment

Very few people integrate the development of all three areas. Therefore, they do not see results from their narrow focus. For example, many religious or New Age people are so focused on their spiritual development, they often neglect their personal growth on the human plane and often cite this as non-important. Their lack of integration, however, means that their spiritual development is limited dramatically.

Experiencing synchronicities are not purely the realm of mystics and spiritual masters. They occur when one takes the time and makes the effort to align mind, body and spirit with the environment. I have found experts in all these areas, except for the environment…until I found Marie, that is. She is a Feng Shui master and I plan to have her on as a guest of The Consciousness Revolution Show very soon.

Finally, when I was with Marie, I mentioned a friend of mine who she may wish to connect with as they both would gain massively.On the morning after, I emailed both Marie and my friend thinking that the latter would not notice the email because it was Sunday. Less than an hour later, I get a call from my very excited friend telling me how did I know that part of her vision was to connect with Marie. Well, I didn’t know that until she told me. The last bit of the synchronicity was when Marie adviced me that greater abundance would flow in the Year of the Dragon if I were to place a babbling fountain somewhere south in my house. After telling my friend this,  she was laughing. Would you believe that the grocer’s store where we do most of our vegetable shopping had a stock of miniature fountains that there were selling for a limited period? The mind boggles and I am grateful to Marie!

Have an amazing week ahead!


Author of Shattering the Grandest Illusions

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter 

February 12, 2012 at 18:30 Leave a comment

Information Overload: Humanity’s New Great Threat

Over the course of my interviews and meetings with eminent scientists and spiritual teachers, there has been one area of concern for humanity that they have voiced – Information overload. At the turn of the 20th century, the great scare was cancer. In the 1970’s and 1980’s, it was AIDS. By the 90’s, consumerism was the biggest dis-ease, particularly in the developed countries. Today, it is information overload.

From the moment that one wakes up, throughout the day and right up till bedtime, people are being bombarded with information, most of which is irrelevant. The alarm clock, mass media, billboards, TV, movies, corporations, newspapers, magazines and most invasive of the lot, the Internet. Although there are mechanisms for the conscious mind to filter out the peripheral stuff, the subconscious and unconscious mind receives the vastness of this information totally unimpeded. This leads to chaos and disorder in the energy matrix of individuals. This incoherence is leads to imbalance in the life state and the energy state. What does this mean? Individuals become much more prone to disease of the mind and disease of the body.

The media, politicians, Big Pharma and many other indoctrination institutions are fully aware of the dangers inherent with information overload. The more incoherent your energy, mind and body are the more you rely on outside intervention to keep you healthy and alive. However, there are a number of ways to counter such influx of information. Join me on The Consciousness Revolution Show on Wednesday 1st February 2012 with Marilyn Devonish. She is a specialist in information management and will be sharing how to positively exploit information in order to powerfully and positively accelerate how you learn, retain and remember information most beneficial to you. In the process, you will also learn to let go of information that truly does not serve you.

Here are the details:

  • Time: 8pm GMT, 12pm PST, 3pm EST, 9pm CET, 12.30am IST
  • Date: Wednesday 1st February 2012
  • Place: Online
  • Price: Free of charge to subscribers. Click here to subscribe:

This is a must-attend show. Make sure you book yourself in and tell all your friends!

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you will live forever.” Gandhi.

Love and gratitude,



Marilyn Devonish has been PhotoReading™ for over 10 years and completed her Certified PhotoReading™ Instructor Training with PhotoReading™ Creator Paul Scheele in March 2002.

As the founder of Tranceformations, Marilyn has worked with Schools, Corporations, Coaches, Consultants, Therapists, Students, Business Owners, Academics, people with Dyslexia and Dsypraxia, and even a team of Rocket Scientists, showing them how to more easily access their untapped potential, skills and capabilities.

She is also a Business Studies Graduate, holder of the Chartered Institute of Marketing Post Graduate Diploma, a Certified Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP, Certified Trainer of Hypnosis, Certified Trainer of Time Line Therapy, Certified Life and Executive Coach, Management Consultant, and Practitioner of Huna, EFT, Reiki, Archetypal Profiling, Energetic NLP, and DNA Theta Healing.

In addition Marilyn is a public speaker, freelance writer, magazine columnist, and has featured extensively on TV and radio. With over 25 years industry experience Marilyn brings together a unique blend of business skills and cutting edge personal change technologies which creates a transformational and powerful learning environment.

January 31, 2012 at 13:09 Leave a comment

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