The Pyramid Code Debunked

August 5, 2010 at 13:50 16 comments

Traditional Egyptology insists that the ancients were obsessed with death and used slaves to build the pyramids as tombs. Yet, looking beyond the restraints of our own cultural lenses at the symbols on temple walls, the artifacts, and the architecture of the ancient Egyptians reveal a sophisticated science, star knowledge, and an orientation to high levels of consciousness.

During this Consciousness Revolution Show webinar, Carmen Boulter PhD will debunk the truth of the pyramids using new scientific theories that reinterpret the hard evidence of what ancients left painting a new picture of who the ancient Egyptians may have been and the knowledge they possessed.

During The Pyramid Code debunked we’ll also be joined by Konstantin Pavlidis and together from Dr Boulter, you’ll discover:

  • What the ancient pyramids were and were not
  • Who were their builders given technologies that existed then and today
  • How the knowledge gained from the ancients are vital for us to co-exist with nature, the environment, other humans and with our current technologies

This interview took place on The Consciousness Revolution Show on Wednesday 11th August 2010 . Here are the joining details for other such interviews:

You can hear more from Carmen during her presentation on the first International Feminine Energy Consciousness Congress on Friday 6th May 2011 in London. Click here for more details…


Dr Carmen Boulter of the University of Calgary in Canada is the creative fire behind The Pyramid Code DVD series. Carmen has had unshakable passion for Egypt traveling there twenty times since 1977. Through embassy support, approval from the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the Minister of Defense, Carmen secured unprecedented access to sites and rare HD footage for this documentary.

Carmen Boulter has been teaching around the world for twenty years. She has worked for various Boards of Education in Canada as well as teaching workshops throughout North America. Carmen became a published author in 1997 with her book, Angels and Archetypes: An Evolutionary Map of Feminine Consciousness, brought her much acclaim and she was on the international speaker circuit for many years. Carmen’s keen interest in ancient mysteries led her to lead international tours to Egypt, the Mediterranean, Peru and Bolivia.

Konstantin Pavlidis is a science educatorartist and metaphysicist who has worked in the fields of therapy, traditional medicine, healing, scientific research and the movement arts over the past four decades. He has created a number of teaching programmes in the areas of self development, therapy/healing and the performing arts. He has also taught these both privately and in various institutes throughout the globe. Some of these are Zen Essence Yoga, Kinesomasis, Dance Mastery and Choreosynthesis.

Konstantin has conducted research for movement, healing and meditation using a combination of mechanistic and Quantum-based devices for evaluations and data collection. He then used this knowledge and experience to create theatre and other artistic productions as the director of Unstructured Light . He is also working with scientists from various universities and institutes, such as Professor Konstantin Korotkov (Russia), Vadim Saidov (Germany) and Professor Martin Hewlett (USA). His area of specialisation is in exploring the unconscious mind during Altered States of Consciousness through healing, meditation, channeling and all forms of movement art. These include all performing arts, Tai Chi, Chi Gung, Martial Arts, Yoga, Shamanistic and spiritual practices.

His objective is to explore the effects of dynamic interactions which are aimed at raising awareness and transforming consciousness. All of these experiences have inspired him to develop the SCIARTMET Interface which he is sharing with people of all backgrounds throughout the world. The SCIARTMET Interface is the meeting point between ScienceArt and the Metaphysics in life and can be described as aThree Way Relationship or Trilogy. It is a vehicle from and through which the interconnectedness of all phenomena may be discovered, explored and integrated.

Entry filed under: Consciousness Revolution Show Interviews, Energy. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

Planet Apocalypse: Crisis or Opportunity? How to Reconnect with Oneness

16 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Robert De Souza  |  August 5, 2010 at 22:47

    Delighted to endorse Dr. Carmen Boulter’s work with the Pyramid Code especially that she is coming to share her insights with us at Orassy soon. WoW what a blessing and pleasure to meet her.

  • 2. Robert De Souza  |  August 11, 2010 at 15:54

    Dear Friends,

    We are pleased to finally announce our first Indonesia Adventure Holiday!

    We have taken groups and have taught there over the years but this will be a special group of 5 international facilitators.

    We decided to offer a new approach to Self Development, a combination of Self Exploration, Adventure, Spiritual Practices, Meeting of new people, Discovering new places and Understanding what Food is really about.

    So we invite to join us on what we are sure will be a very different, interesting and exciting new approach; The Vitality Adventure Holiday!

    Further details provided on request.

    The Orassy Team***

    The Orassy Kendron
    3 Birchfield Street, Unit 5,
    Westferry (DLR), London E14 8ED, UK
    T: 44 (0)20 7517 9521

  • 3. Darren  |  August 18, 2010 at 22:01

    Great Stuff Carmen and Konstantin!
    Iwould sure like to hear moreconversation about Magnetism and the octahedral structure of both the pyramids and magnetite. This is directly connected to sacred geometry and the Rod of Asclepius, the medical symbol which represents magnetism, vortexed like a snake out of galactic center and passing through the serpent holder. Saturn’s magnetic field is in constant struggle with Jupiter’s to connect with this life force as it is emitted from our Sun via Sirius. Excellent work on bringing this ancient science back to life! Today we can do it on the nano scale via sacred geometry and an awareness of Dr. Robert Moon’s, Geometric Periodicity of the Elements and Ether Flow. Cheers!

  • 4. iukibuel  |  June 24, 2011 at 13:10

    Finally a team of experts are providing key evidence that the Ancient Egyptians may have developed their own technology without the help of so-called “Aliens”.

    • 5. Robert DeCicco  |  December 28, 2011 at 14:37

      I love watching Ancient Aliens…not because I believe Aliens built many of the ancient marvels…but because it shows a deeper level of sophistication of our predecessors than we currently give them credit for. I agree…it’s great to see a show that avoids the alien hypothesis and places the technical genius back on human beings.

    • 6. BBunsen  |  February 17, 2014 at 00:48

      Especially considering that there’s actually ZERO evidence that aliens had anything to do with pyramid-building.

  • 7. str  |  June 29, 2011 at 07:11

    “Traditional Egyptology insists that the ancients were obsessed with death and used slaves to build the pyramids as tombs.”

    Obsession is pretty much in eye of the beholder and I have heard no Egyptologist making such a statement.

    As for the slaves, no Egypotologist thinks that slaves build the pyramids. Egyptology is clear that there were no Egyptian slaves in Egypt.

    • 8. Eric  |  February 26, 2012 at 12:04

      It’s a statement made about a statement. She says Egyptology, not Egyptologist(s). And what Egyptologists do say is that ancient Egyptians greatly revered the afterlife so much so that they prepared their entire lives for the day they would die. So for her to say it was an obsession is something of an understatement in my opinion, but nevertheless simply her making a statement about what Egyptologists insist on saying. What she does say later in the series is that the ancient Egyptians revered life, not death, with evidence showing as much. However, the main point of her statement about obsession is to illustrate the fact that the great pyramids show no evidence of being tombs, which traditional Egyptology still holds that they are, despite no sarcophagi, mummies, or even elaborate writings and carvings found in traditional tombs. And as for slaves, it’s only in the last ten years that evidence has cropped up that slaves were not used to build the pyramids. Before that, it was the commonly held assumption. And even with this evidence, as new as it is, I think that still presents some debate among traditional Egyptologists, as new evidence is typically hard to accept at first.

      • 9. str  |  February 27, 2012 at 23:54

        Sorry but you are wrong on all points:

        1. That I wrote “Egyptologists” and not “Egyptology” is of no consequence. To argue that this makes a difference is nitpicking.
        2. Revering the afterlife and revering life is no contradiction.
        3. There is much evidence for the pyramids being tombs. But none of your counterarguments holds water: tombs do not need inscriptions and that after thousands of years, the mummies are gone is of no surprise (hence,later, the Valley of Kings). And yes, there are sarcophagi in the pyramids. Not to speak of the nekropoleis surrounding the structures.
        4. As for slaves, it was at least 15 years ago that I read about the pyramids not being built by slaves in books based on Egyptology. These were neither highly-academic works (so it must have trickled down by then) and nor were they all of the newest date – hence the position that it was not slaves that built the pyramids has been common for a long time. You may “think” that there still is debate, but that doesn’t make it true.

        It may indeed be hard to accept that Egyptology has held such views for its disdainers.

  • 10. Eric  |  March 27, 2012 at 10:26

    Actually, the difference in word choice is of great consequence given the argument, as you specifically said “I have heard no Egyptologist making such a statement.” There’s a big difference between hearing specific words from a person’s mouth and ‘hearing’ about information that’s general public knowledge. I have never heard an Egyptologist make such a statement either, but then again I don’t know any. Maybe you do. I don’t know.

    There is also a big difference between revering life and revering the afterlife. Specifically, my use of the word afterlife was to provide another way of saying what she says about them being obsessed with death. In using that word, I was trying to convey that one might spend all their time and energy preparing for what comes after this life and therefore (in my opinion) wasting the life one is currently living. To revere life means to celebrate it and rejoice in every day that you are alive, not worrying if you’re ready or not for what comes next. Very different things.

    There is no physical evidence to support the theory that the chambers in the great pyramids are tombs. None. No funerary text, no hieroglyphics, nor any artifacts have ever been found to support this idea. Yes, the great pyramid was broken into, so any valuables that are ordinarily found in tombs that may have been there are gone. The same can be said for mummies. However, as for the ‘sarcophagi’ in the king’s chamber, it has merely been labeled as such. All it is is a rather poorly carved granite box with no markings and an inexplicable chunk missing from it that would have taken tremendous force to break. It could have numerous other purposes. And where’s the cover stone? Did some grave robber walk off with a 100 ton beautifully carved cover to Khufu’s coffin? Doubtful. At best, the only physical evidence found to support anything are the hieroglyphic ‘inscriptions’ in the upper relieving chambers that simply suggest the great pyramid might have been built during Khufu’s reign. However, these are drawings – not actual carved inscriptions. In fact, as I’m sure you know, the great pyramid is famous for being completely devoid of writing. Why is that? The Egyptians wrote on everything. If the almighty pharaoh spent the better part of his reign planning for his death by building this gigantic tomb, why isn’t it marked? For me, it makes no sense for such an important person to have a tomb that is completely devoid of any physical evidence to signify its royal purpose as a tomb.

    And as for slaves, it wasn’t until 2002 that a tomb was discovered and opened, by none other than Zahi Hawass himself, of the overseer or foreman, if you will, of the workers who built the pyramids. (And guess what? The tomb was marked with his name and title right above the entrance!) It was also around this year that excavations were taking place on the so-called worker city near the great pyramids, revealing evidence on how well treated and fed they were, thus confirming they could not have been slaves. So when I say that evidence has only just cropped up, this is what I was referring to. Perhaps before this the slave theory had all but lost credence, but not to my knowledge. However, I am an open-minded person, and when the right facts and evidence present themselves that tell me I’m wrong, I am open to change.

    All this being said, I don’t ‘disdain’ Egyptology, so don’t patronize me. I merely think that many traditional Egyptologists have an arrogant view of the history of Egypt, especially given much of it was passed down based on one man’s observations (Herodotus). Not to mention that Egypt has kept a stranglehold on the knowledge of its history. They’re paranoid. Egyptologists hold unclinchingly fast and strong to the belief that what we know of the ancients must be the truth that even when the smallest bit of evidence comes up that even hints at the suggestion that the history could be off, they dismiss it out of hand. So I don’t disdain Egyptology: I disdain close-minded people. Follow the data and let the data speak, and if the data takes us in areas where it needs and requires us that we change our mind about what we have been taught and what we believe, then that’s what we need to do.

    As an aside, I think it’s funny how the Egyptians, notorious for describing everything from how they hunted to what the afterlife was like, had nothing to say about how they built the pyramids…

    • 11. ocg  |  December 7, 2012 at 05:25

      I really agree with everything you just wrote, Eric. We must keep our minds open to the possibilities. My parents went to the Pyramids many years ago and my grandparents before them. They all said the same thing: they did’nt feel like tombs or burial places at all. And the comment that was made about the Valley of the King’s by ‘str’ are incorrect. The Valley was not a place they were taken and hidden. It was not a secret place which is why grave robbers (probably former builders of these tombs) were able to rob them so efficiently and completely. Thanks for your thoughts. BTW, I know SEVERAL Egyptologists who have been troubled by the given course of events in ancient Egypt their entire careers. As we say down South: that dog don’t hunt.

      • 12. str  |  January 7, 2013 at 20:52

        ” And the comment that was made about the Valley of the King’s by ‘str’ are incorrect.”
        All the comment? What was my comment – it was a lone reference to the Valley. And that the Valley was so efficently robbed is not evidence that the more discrete form of burial was, among other things, meant to prevent robbery. I am not saying that this was the reason and it might not have been a factor. But I’m no expert on this. Go and ask egyptologists about it.

        But the fact remains that both the pyramids and the valley were places of burial. That your grandparents didn’t felt the pyramids to be tomb-like is, I am afraid, not hard evidence for anything.

        Talk about “keep our minds open” as long as you like, all I heard was a closing to a certain possibility.

  • 13. Brenda  |  April 6, 2012 at 22:02

    I would like to have viewed this documentary without the overpowering music/noise in the background played throughout (why o’ why?). Some of your foreign speakers do not speak English fluently and subtitles are not offered in this program and I think what they had to say was probably very important but they were silenced and drowned out by the noise. Wonderful filming tho’ with sites rarely visited or seen by we avid tourists…too bad too sad.

  • 14. Kevin  |  June 10, 2012 at 04:55

    I think that for any of us to assume that we in any way difintively know what may or may not have been the intent behind the construction or subsequent desecration of any of these sites is rediculous. Considering numerous accepted destructive processes allowed in early Archaeology, and immense illogical leaps allowed in the early years of Anthropology any accepted theory based on early research projected by these two camps is open to attack.

    I personally embrace any logical, rational interpretation of these locations. This show presents a well formed argument, and well researched. most importantly, It aknowledges the beauty of ancient civilization (specifically Egyptian) and does not attempt to diminish their great achievements by some belief of modern day superiority. (and without advancing a pseudoscience alien agenda). The most wonderful thing about this show is that Dr. Boulter lends a far more unbiased and “cut and paste” assortment of statements from researchers that are legitimate, contrary to shows such as Ancient Aliens.

  • 15. Samantha  |  March 23, 2013 at 21:35

    I just watched the Pyramid Code Documentary after a friend recommended it. Came across this site while doing more research into it. Excellent stuff!

  • 16. BBunsen  |  July 30, 2013 at 23:40

    Anybody who knows anything about quantum mechanics knows that the ancient Egyptians were masters of the Heisenberg uncertainty theory and used it to shape and move the stones in all of their monuments. No need for slaves when you control the power of uncertainty.


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